Am decis sa nu postez Sabloane vechi sau cu erori,ci doar sabloane Gold sau Silver perfect optimizate si usor de folosit.
Un sablon care mi-a atras rapid atentia este EPSILON ALPHA
Features :
- Multi-level drop-down javascript navigation menu.
- Featured post section with javascript gallery
- Site wide customizable 125 x 125 banner ads.
- Site wide customizable 468 x 60 adsense banner.
- Customizable 468 x 60 adsense banner on inner pages.
- Featured video section
- Customizable About me section
- Thumbnail images with auto crop.
- Widgetized sidebar.
- Tabbed contents
- IE 6 , running well but flash image in tags cloud won't show.
- Opera 9.0, running well
- Mozilla 2.xx, running well
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